"Mrs. Robinson, if you don't mind my saying so, this conversation is getting a little strange." - Ben, The Graduate
First of all, I remembered the main reason why I so detest lady magazines: ADVERTISEMENT BOMBARDMENT!!!! There were 10 pages of cosmetic, fashion, accessory, and perfume ads before I even got to the Table of Contents (which was followed by another 15 pages of similar ads before getting to the actual articles....which were further peppered with, you guessed it, MORE ads!). Grrrr!!!
After skimming through Guy Confessions and the Meaning Of Subtle Body Language and Beauty Q&A and 12 Love Moves That Turn Him To Mush and other fluff, I came across an article called The 10 Commandments of Helen Gurley Brown. I don't know much about the late, former Cosmo editor, but she sounded like a ball-busting, alpha-female, stand-up babe! Among her Commandments, she promoted confidence, feminism (on any and all levels), inner and outer strength, style, positive self image, and owning relationships and careers. For all the misogynistic and unrealistic ads and puff-piece articles I flipped through, this particular article gave me pause and made me view the pages of this magazine in a different light:
So thanks to Ms. Deschanel for leading me to Ms. Brown's inspiring mantras! Despite all the "100 Ways To Please Your Man" articles (seriously, if you want to know what pleases your man, make him a sandwich and don't talk about feelings during the game!) , I feel like I've learned something today. Who knows? I may pick up (and purchase) another issue if it means more impromptu feminine enlightenment. Hell, maybe I'll even start paying attention to the cosmetics and fashion sections!
Girl power!